Elektronická diaľničná známka


Vignette is mandatory for two-wheeled vehicles on highways and some roads. The system is linked to the license plate and the vignette can be purchased online. Motorcycles and mopeds are exempt from fees.

Vignette is mandatory for two-wheeled vehicles on highways and some roads. The system is linked to the license plate and the vignette can be purchased online. Motorcycles and mopeds are exempt from fees.

You can buy a vignette here:

1 Day

10 Days

30 Days

60 Days

12 Months

Validity of Vignettes

Passenger and Commercial Vehicles Up To 3.5 Tons

1 Day

10 Day

30 Days

60 Days

12 Months

Vehicles With a Total Weight Over 3.5 Tons

1 Day

7 Days

30 Days

12 Months

Vignettes Prices in Romania

Vignettes in Romania are divided into several categories according to the type of vehicle:

Category A - Passenger Vehicles Under 3.5 Tons

  • 1 Day: 2.50 €
  • 10 Days: 3.30 €
  • 30 Days: 5.30 €
  • 60 Days: 8.40 €
  • 12 Months: 28 €

2.50 €

3.30 €

5.30 €

8.40 €

28 €

Vignette Check and Fines

Drivers who use a vehicle without a valid vignette face heavy fines. The maximum fine can reach up to 4,500 lei, approximately 900 €. 

For this reason, it is strongly recommended not to take risks and to purchase a vignette before driving on tolled sections.

Fines for Speeding in Romania

In Romania, speeding fines are divided into several categories depending on how much the speed limit was exceeded:

  • Exceeding the speed by 10 to 20 km/h:
    • It is a Class I. misdemeanor.


  • Speeding by 21 to 30 km/h:
    • It is an offense of II. classe.


  • Speeding by 31 to 40 km/h:
    • It is an offense of III. classe.


  • Speeding by 41 to 50 km/h:
    • It is an offense of IV. classe.