Elektronická diaľničná známka


1 Year

If you are going to use Swiss motorways, you will need to purchase a vignette. From 2024, an electronic vignette was introduced in Switzerland, which can be conveniently purchased online. The electronic vignette is linked to your vehicle’s registration number, meaning you don’t need to have physical proof of purchase when checking.

If you are going to use Swiss motorways, you will need to purchase a vignette. From 2024, an electronic vignette was introduced in Switzerland, which can be conveniently purchased online. The electronic vignette is linked to your vehicle’s registration number, meaning you don’t need to have physical proof of purchase when checking.

You can buy a vignette here:

1 Year

Toll Highways in Switzerland

On Swiss motorways, tolls apply to all first-class roads and motorways. These roads include not only the main highway stretches, but also other important roads that form the backbone of the country’s transport infrastructure.

40 ₣ / 42 €

The Price of an Electronic Vignette for Vehicles Up to 3.5 Tons

Unlike some European countries, Switzerland offers only one type of vignette and that’s for 1 year.

The price of an electronic vignette for vehicles up to 3.5 tons for one year is 40 ₣ (approx. 42 €).

This price applies to all vehicles (cars, motorcycles, trailers, motorhomes and caravans) up to 3.5 tonnes.

Vehicles Up to 3.5 Tons

The Need For a Vignette for Vehicles Up to 3.5 Tons

To drive on Swiss highways, you must have a valid vignette for the following types of vehicles with a total weight of up to 3.5 tons:

Passenger Cars





Each of these vehicles must have a valid vignette in order to legally use Swiss highways. Adhering to this regulation is important to avoid fines and ensure a smooth journey.

Special Tolls for Passing Through Tunnels

In addition to the standard tolls on motorways, there are sections in Switzerland where special tolls are collected. Is part of them:

Munt-la-Schera Tunnel

Great St. Bernard Tunnel